Advanced avionics and data processing
4th Aug 2021

Join our Space Made Simple Webinar

Endurosat smallsat webinar Space Made Simple Webinar scaled

Meet EnduroSat’s Software-defined NanoSats – the backbone of the Shared Satellite Service on August 11 at 10:00 AM MT.Peek into the hardware and software enabling the operation of multiple different payloads on every mission.

Find out more about the EnduroSat 6U and 12U buses capabilities and their simplicity of operations from EnduroSat’s systems and software engineers.

The talk will be broken into 3 sections:

  • The easiest way to get to Space – Shared Satellite Service
  • EnduroSat bus hardware, software and operational features
  • Demo of operations + QnA session with EnduroSat engineers

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Viktor Danchev

Chief Technical Officer


Viktoriya Markileva

Space Systems Engineer


Viktor Stoev

Embedded Engineer